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We have created this page in english for international compliance.

The Junior IOT ST12A Mini Soldering Regulator

Contents –
Purchase Links
Brief Description
Additional components to complete your soldering setup
Why this page
Commisioning the factory to add the Junior IOT label
Confirm our authority for the Junior IOT brandname
Valid shipments – Commisioning the manufacturer to import our products
Import documents to be included with the shipment
Manufacturer product CE certification for the EU market
Details of conformity assessment procedure by manufacturer
EU declaration of conformity, drafted and signed by the manufacturer
Confirmed CE compliance to allow application of the CE mark
Application details for the CE mark on the product
Providing support in the EU market
User guide

In the journey of Junior IOT we have used many different soldering irons. You can read more about our search here:

We finally found our ideal soldering equipment around the ST12A Mini Soldering Regulator. It has taken us a while to fine-tune our needs – in our earlier days we experimented with some no-name 220V handsets, to finally decide on the safe and user-friendly T12 DC soldering controllers with LED display and external power supply. Having also tested more elaborate versions, we now know our ideal setup. This T12 Regulator gives our users the best experience – compact, safe and robust for a school environment, precise and simple to use for our audience, while still appealing to the desires of a professional hobbyist.

Having found our perfect piece of equipment, we have decided to ask the manufacturer to add our name to the front panel: The Junior IOT ST12A Mini Soldering Regulator.

Purchase links

The ST12A soldering iron for electronics workshops is available here:

The Junior IOT ST12A is also available in a variety of Soldering Workspace Starter packs:

Brief description.

In our soldering setup, the ST12A regulator unit is recognized as the black rectangle box shaped component that connects to the power supply to the soldering handset. Our model features a LCD temperature display, a knob to be rotated and pushed for temperature adjustment, a connection point for the external 19V DC power and a connection point for the soldering handset. The mini device is to be powered by any external laptop power supply of 19 Volt DC.

The Junior IOT ST12A Mini Soldering Regulator is specificly only the rectangular box. The additional items (power supply, handle, T12 tip) can be of variuos makes and models. The word ‘regulator’ indicates the need to complete your setup with your preference of these other items.

Additional components to complete your soldering setup

The regulator is the brain component in your soldering setup. The regulator reads the actual temperature from the soldering tip and then enables the DC power that is to be sent to the T12 soldering tips for heating. You will need to source these additional components to complete the Junior IOT ST12A Mini Soldering Regulator. To be added:

  • T12 handle. Please purchase a matching T12 handle. Select a fully wired 5 pin version to allow the wake-up function, and with silicon wiring for additional safety. We have noticed that the internals of this handle to also appear in different cost-efficient various – once you have inserted the tips correctly all variations work very well.
  • T12 soldering tips. We suggest you purchase one of these shapes: T12-I, T12-BL, T12-IL and T12-ILS. This is where the solder meets the metal. In our experience the different qualities of T12 tips typically have a soldering lifetime of well over 100 hours – once you have mounted and primed them correctly. Priming allows a few minutes of heating so to cure the factory glue inside the tips, during which the display may be temporarily erratic.
  • DC Power Supply. As this is the one item that connects to the mains power, please ensure your 19V DC power supply is correctly CE certified. Our regulator allows a 19V DC power to be supplied to the soldering tips in order to create and maintain the correct soldering temperature. This 19 Volt DC is created in an external power source, which is typically purchased seperate from the regulator. As the soldering tips display visible metal components we do suggest to only accept power supplies that are grounded and have a ground lead connected in the 220V power cable. Please avoid ‘floating’ 19V versions which are typically not grounded.

Additionally, for your comfort:

  • Silicon work mat.
  • Heat-proof soldering stand, mini version.
  • Heat-proof soldering spunge to clean the soldering tip.

These components are typically manufactured separate from the regulators. You are free to purchase the versions that you find most comfortable for your usage. We have made our our selection to complete own soldering workspace to contain all these components. For this we were able to purchase a nice supply of refurbished 19V DC standard laptop power supplies in the local market.

Why this page?

We learned our lessons from the check and subsequent destruction of our shipment by EU import officials. This happened with our shipment in 2022 with tracking number 616805527490 on 15 june 2022 at Belgian customs. Our product is adjusted, documentation is added, and this current page is created to avoid a repeat of loosing our product. With completing these actions we are now the official importer of the product.

Even while we mainly use the product inside our own organization, we will need to demonstrate CE compliance to be able to succesfully ship the product to our own address. This page provides you as a customer with the product information to safely use the product, and also presents any EU official with the official information and documentation relevant to allowing the product onto the EU market.

Commisioning the factory to add the Junior IOT label

The factory is able to add our brandname to the controller unit to confirm our recognition of this product. We found it is needed to officially confirm our authority to commision the brandname, in order to satisfy specific inquiries from EU import officials. We will do so in the next few paragraphs.

(the picture displays the product, including product code, CE mark and Junior IOT link)

Confirm our authority for the Junior IOT brandname

EU regulations clarify that imported goods should carry the correct brandname to prevent EU customers from counterfeit goods. We have indeed received this request from import officials, asking to provide proof of authorization to the factory to use the Junior IOT label. In this section we demonstrate our history and ownership of the brandname.

The Junior IOT name came to life in 2016, when we started our first project in dec 2016, preparing for our 2017 Balloons Up challenge. The Junior IOT name was created for our projects. Read more at:

In 2019 we have registered our organization as an official foundation (dutch: Stichting). Details and founding documents are available on our website

To help in authorizing the shipments, this page certifies two addresses in Alkmaar. First is our postal address, second is our shipping address. Both are valid for items carrying the ‘Junior IOT’ logo. you can find our registered postal address in these founding documents: Cabeljaustraat 9 in Alkmaar. Additionally, the registration at the Chamber of Commerce (in dutch: Kamer van Koophandel or KvK) confirms Junior IOT as our brandname and again confirms how this is connected to our postal address. The official extract is called ‘Uittreksel Kamer van Koophandel’ and can be found here:

Starting 2023 we have arranged for a new location for receiving larger shipments in Alkmaar: Wognumsebuurt 10, 1817 BH Alkmaar. Again, both addresses are valid.

Furthermore, if more confirmation is needed, the Junior IOT domain name is registered at amazon, and replicated for loadbalancing at cloudflare, including the dutch and international variations. For your confirmation, we have published our authenticity details in a TXT record as a public viewable proof of authority. Please use your preferred online viewer e.g.: or

This will allow you to review our DNS key in our domain registration, to confirm our authority and ownership of the brandname Junior IOT, connecting the details to our address. The public information should read:

“Stichting Junior IOT, Cabeijaustraat 9 in Alkmaar is the owner of the brand name Junior IOT. First communication of the name in 2016. KvK registration number 75357984 is registered in the Netherlands on july 11, 2019. Tax registration RISN 860251925.”

The above statements confirm our ownership of the brandname ‘Junior IOT’ and our authority to commission the use of the name Junior IOT. For further questions, please contact us at [email protected].

Valid shipments – Commisioning the manufacturer to import our products for the Junior IOT label

In 2022 we commissioned the manufacturer to make our first branded version of the soldering regulator component. Pictured here is the factory test batch for the customized front plate. Please be aware that type number and product link will be added to satisfy EU market needs.

With our ownership of the ‘Junior IOT’ brandname confirmed, we are authorized to commision the ‘Junior IOT’ branded products to officially display our connection with these products.

For import officials to confirm that the shipment is authorized to use ‘Junior IOT’ brand label we provide the following authorization information:

Junior IOT authorizes any shipments with ‘Junior IOT’ branded materials as valid and authorized bij Junior IOT for the EU market if the following is satisfied:

    • Materials are branded ‘Junior IOT’.
    • Shipment and/or invoice is addressed to Junior IOT, Alkmaar, the Netherlands.

For any other shipments, please contact us at [email protected]

Import documents to be included with the shipment

Furthermore to satisfy import requirements towards EU officials, the shipment must contain two documents:

  • Commercial invoice. This mentions the product and can mention the formalized HS product code.
  • Freight letter, which details contents of the box, the shipper, the receiving party, and who paid for the shipment.

The HS code for EU import is found via this link.

  • HS Code Examples
    • soldering irons – HS code for import: 8515 11 00 00
    • misc other electronic parts, HS code is 8543 70 90 99
    • Led licht machines, as parts and components, 8539 90 90 00
  • For our product, the description is: Junior IOT ST12A Soldering Regulator

EORI number for Junior IOT

As of januari 2023, the Economic Operator Registration and Identification number, EORI number of Junior IOT needs to be visually mentioned in the shipping form and in the commercial invoice. If there is no field for this, it is suggested to enter this in the field for the Junior IOT VAT/Tax number or to mention this as part of the Junior IOT name/address.

  • For Junior IOT Onderwijs BV, EORI nummer: NL865023694 (registered aug 2024)


Manufacturer product CE certification for the EU market

For electronic devices available on the EU market, the relevant CE certifications and approvals need to be readily available. This section presents the official certifications and documents as supplied by the manufacturer.

LVD, Low Voltage Directive. As the working voltage of the device is 19 Volt DC, then working voltage is lower than the power levels regulated in the Low Power Directive, and as such the Low Power Directive is not applicable. For this we review the document

  Low Voltage Directive 2006/95/EC The Low Voltage Directive (LVD) governs the safety of ‘electrical equipment’ with a voltage between 50 and 1000 V for alternating current and between 75 and 1500 V for direct current, according to its Article 1. The operational voltage of many electronic components lies outside this range. Therefore, such components do not fall under the scope of the Low Voltage Directive.

Nevertheless the factory has provided the EMC and LVD certificates for the product, which confirm the CE certification for the product and confirms the CE logo can be applied to demonstrate compliance.

EMC, Electro Magnetic Certification. The product has been tested to comply to the EMC directive. The certificate is available as PDF (document: 812A-CE-EMC) and is available on the BST website (link: The certificate is transcribed as follows:

Click to see details

Certificate of Compliance
Certificate No. : BSTXD220421291601EC
707, Building 18, Fubin New Village, No. 3138, Binhe Avenue,
Wei Town Community, Futian Street, Futian District, Shenzhen
707, Building 18, Fubin New Village, No. 3138, Binhe Avenue,
Wei Town Community, Futian Street, Futian District, Shenzhen
Trade Name: HANDSKIT
Main Test Model: 812A
Additional Model: ST12A, T210A, T245A, T115A, 936D, 937, 938, T122, T2102, T2452, T1152, T1236, T1210, T1215, T1245, 812A, 8115, 8210, 8245, 8936D, 8938D, J1015
Test Standard: EN IEC 61000-6-3:2021
EN IEC 61000-3-2:2019+A1:2021
EN 61000-3-3:2013+A1:2019+A2:2021
EN 61000-6-2:2005
As shown in the Test Report No.: BSTXD220421291601ER
The EUT described above has been tested by us with the listed standards and found in compliance with the council EMC directive 2014/30/EU. It is possible to use CE marking to demonstrate the compliance with this EMC Directive.
The certificate applies to the tested sample above mentioned only and shall not imply
an assessment of the whole production.
(signed, approved) Christina Deng, Manager, Apr.27, 2022
BST Testing (Shenzhen) Co.,Ltd.
Add: No.7, New Era Industrial Zone, Guantian, Bao’an District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China
Certificate Search: Tel:400-922-6168, 8009990305, E-mail: [email protected]

LVD, Low Voltage Directive. The product has been tested to comply with the LVD directive. The certificate is available as PDF (document: 812A-CE-LVD) and is also available at the BST website (link: The certificate is transcribed:

Click to see details

Certificate of Compliance
Certificate No. : BSTXD220421291601SC
707, Building 18, Fubin New Village, No. 3138, Binhe Avenue,
Wei Town Community, Futian Street, Futian District, Shenzhen
707, Building 18, Fubin New Village, No. 3138, Binhe Avenue,
Wei Town Community, Futian Street, Futian District, Shenzhen
Trade Mark: HANDSKIT
Main Test Model : 812A
Additional Model: ST12A, T210A, T245A, T115A, 936D, 937, 938, T122, T2102, T2452, T1152, T1236, T1210, T1215, T1245, 812A, 8115, 8210, 8245, 8936D, 8938D, T1015
Test Standard: EN 60335-1:
As shown in the Test Report No. : BSTXD220421291601SR
The EUT described above has been tested by us with the listed standards and found in compliance with the council LVD directive 2014/35/EU. It is possible to use CE marking to demonstrate the compliance with this LVD Directive.
The certificate applies to the tested sample above mentioned only and shall not imply an assessment of the whole production.
(signed and stamped as approved) Christina Deng, Manager, Apr  .27,2022
BST Testing (Shenzhen) Co.,Ltd.
Add: No.7, New Era Industrial Zone, Guarrtian, Bao’an District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China
Certificate Search: http:,, Tel:400-922-6168, 8009990305, E-mail: [email protected]

The certificates as presented above confirm CE compliance. Also the certificates confirm that the use of the CE marking is applicable.

Details of conformity assessment procedure by manufacturer

This document presents a statement of the conformity assessment procedure that has been followed.

–> represented by the following document

EU declaration of conformity, drafted and signed by the manufacturer

The statement to confirm the product is in conformity with the EU directives and regulations is presented in this document. For this, the EU declaration of conformity is drafted and signed by the manufacturer. This is a mandatory document that the manufacturer or authorised representative signs to declare that your products comply with the EU requirements. By signing the DoC the manufacturer or representative takes full responsibility for the product’s compliance with the applicable EU law.

The declaration as created by the manufacturer is available as PDF (link: eu declaration of conformity T12 合规声明 ) and the signed version is available as JPEG

Click to see details

EU Declaration of Conformity
In accordance with EU Directives and Regulations
Manufacturer: Shenzhen Hanqi Electronics Co., Ltd.
Address: Room 302, No. 36 Gongkenglang Industrial Zone, Guanjing Road, Guanlan Street, Longhua District, Shenzhen
As the importer, hereby declare under our sole responsibility that
Product(s): Soldering station
Model: ST12A
Are in conformity with the following directives and regulations
For the evaluation of the compliance with these Directives and Regulations, the following
standards/requirements were applied:
Essential Requirement Applied // Specifications/Standards // Documentary Evidence
EN IEC 61000-6-3:2021 // EMC // BTSXD220421291601EC
ENIEC61000-3-2:2019+A1:2021 // EMC // BTSXD220421291601EC
EN60335-1:2012+A11 // LVD // BTSXD220421291601SR
Signed on behalf of FISHING KING, SLU.
(Signature of authorized person)
Position: SHENZHEN
Date: 2022/08/22

The declaration as presented above confirms conformity to the EU regulations, to allow the product on the EU market.

Confirmed CE compliance to allow application of the CE mark

To confirm CE compliance to both the import officials and the end user, the CE marking needs to be displayed on the product. Specific rules tell us how this has to be done. The EU regulations are described in this link:,in%20the%20relevant%20product%20requirements).

In our situation we need to check the rules concerning the manufacturer, see

These regulations explain that we need to have the following available for any CE marked product on the EU market:

Application details for the CE mark on the product

As our product is confirmed to be compliant and is sufficiently documented, the CE mark can be applied. Logo height is at least 5 mm. The image files for the logo are available at We have selected this official png file:


Also, the product needs to display the applicable identification. In our case this is the model number and name as displayed on the manufacturer documentation and certifications. On the product we display the following information:

  • Logo: Junior IOT
  • CE marking
  • Junior IOT has decided to print one of the following or both:


Providing support in the EU market

While we purchase this product mainly for our own use, and incidental use by our partners, the import officials should require us to present a point of contact to be available for users within the EU.

Shenzen Hanoi Electronics Co., LTD. is the manufacturer, and is the contact for conformity details and product quality. Shenzhen Ruinuo Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. is the trading contact in China for any further inquiries concerning the manufacturer. Junior IOT is the Authorized Contact and the Importer for the ‘Junior IOT’ branded version as described, and is the contact point to present official documentation to EU officials.

Please be aware that the support as described on this page is limited to only this version marked ‘Junior IOT’ and only to products purchased at, or sold by Junior IOT in the Netherlands. Many similar products exist in the market, bearing many different labels and type numbers, which are specifically excluded from our support.

Product: Junior IOT ST12A Mini Soldering Regulator
Specification: Only those versions clearly marked ‘Junior IOT’

EU contact details, Junior IOT label owner and authorised representative:

Junior IOT, Marco van Schagen
Cabeljaustraat 9, 1815 DG Alkmaar, the Netherlands
email: [email protected]

Role: import, sales and documentation support contact, in this context limited to items marked ‘Junior IOT’ and purchased or sold by Junior IOT in the Netherlands

Purchasing partner in China:

Shenzhen Ruinuo Electronic Technology Co., Ltd.
Registered address: Room 802, Building 6, Lane 17, Xialing Pai New Village, Dalang Street, Longhua New District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China
Official company government documents confirms official business details:

Click to see details
    • Business licence, translated:
    • Trademark registration …375, link and translated
    • Trademark registration .. 972, link and translated

Role: purchasing, shipping contact and additional point of contact towards manufacturer, in this context limited to items marked ‘Junior IOT’ and purchased or sold by Junior IOT in the Netherlands.

Manufacturer details:

Shenzen Hanoi Electronics Co., LTD.
707, Building 18, Fubin New Village, No. 3138, Binhe Avenue,
Wei Town Community, Futian Street, Futian District, Shenzhen

Role: Manufacturing, testing and certification, responsible for products compliance with applicable EU law; in this context limited to items marked ‘Junior IOT’ and purchased or sold by Junior IOT in the Netherlands.

User guide

We need to tell the users that many variations of this product could have the same or similar internal controller specifications. We limit this description to only the version as imported by Junior IOT.

Description. The Junior IOT ST12A Mini Soldering Regulator is the basis for your soldering setup. Combined with a handset, T12 tip, power supply of your choice, this combines into a 72W PID Soldering Iron which is compact, safe, simple and comfortable to work with.

The Junior IOT ST12A Mini Soldering Regulator is recognized as the compact black box, featuring a LCD display, a knob to adjust temperature, a connection point for the T12 handle and a connection point for the standard power supply.

Please be aware that in other versions exist. Some versions may have the power supply embedded with the regulator display in the same box, where you may need to check the internals for safety implications. Also, any version that features a detailed OLED display is not included in our information as it has a very different controller.

Soldering temperature. The Junior IOT ST12A Mini Soldering Regulator displays the actual temperature trough a 3 digit LCD display. You can adjust the temperature 200-480 degrees Celcius by turning the knob. Recommended temperatures:

  • 280-300 degrees Celcius – soldering SMD and fine work using leaded soldering tin
  • 350 degrees Celcius – for beginners and for standard components using leaded soldering tin

Be aware that above 360 degrees Celcius, the soldering results will appear erratic due to overheating of the flux inside the soldering material. Also at highet remperatures, for example above 380 degrees Celcius, the tip will deteriorate more quickly.

Additional settings. We suggest to leave the regulator unit in its default settings. By pressing the knob for a brief period, you enter the settings menu. Available settings:

  • P00-P03 –  tip type and calibration, available for some types
    • P01 – PID gain 200-350 times (default 270)
    • P02 – Opamp bias voltage 0-250mV (default 100) to help calibrate if tip temperature was measured externaly
    • P03 – Increase the temperature, 30-50 deg C
  • P04 – Temp adjustment steps. 0 no adjustment or locked, 1, 2, 5 degrees, 10 degrees
  • P05 – Auto Sleep timer, 0 never, or 1-60 minutes
  • P06 – Auto Shut down timer. 0 never, or 1-180 minutes
  • P07 – Temperature correction. 0-20 deg C
  • P08 – Wake Up. 0 Shake and Knob press/rotate, 1 Knob press/rotate only
  • P09 – Temp Boost temperature in degrees, boost is activated by clicking the Knok
  • P10 – Temp Boost duration, 10-250 Seconds
  • P11 – Automatic save time of parameters
  • P12 – Sound. 0 On, 1 Off (or function cancellation)

Preparing the soldering equipment.

To connect the T12 handle to the main unit, please ensure correct otientation of the lock and pins. Insert the connector and lock it in place with the screw sleeve.

With the device turned on, insert the tip into the handle, and confirm that the controller displays an increasing temperature. Please be aware the tip will get hot. If the controller does not detect the tip, you may need to push the tip further into the handle. If a lock ring is available on the handle, lock the tip in place with the screw ring. With some fancy handles (metal type) an error may be displayed when the internal connector to the tip may have shifted; just push the cable into the handle to regain proper connection.

Once the tip is inserted for the first time, you may notice an erratic display of temperature. The internal factory glue inside the tip may need to be cured for a few minutes, after which the display will be more stable.


Heat-up time typically is 5-10 seconds.

When powering on the device, a memory function will keep the last used temperature.

After a period of non-use, the device enters a safety mode where the temperature is 200 degrees Celcius. Shake the handle or push the knob to wake up the device.

After a prolonged period of non-use the device will display ‘OFF’ and the temperature drops further. Push the knob to wake up the device.

Boost function. Pressing the knob raises the temperature for a brief moment to the set boost temperature.

Safety. Due to having an external DC power unit, the device is safe and in agreement with all regulations. Your DC power unit needs to be correctly CE certified to provide the desired safety. We strongly suggest to use a grounded 19V DC power adapter, alltough this is not required by certification authorities. A grounded DC adapter will ensure that the soldering tip is connected with the ground lead – through the grounded minus lead in the 19V DC power connector.

Conclusion. Our soldering setup is comfortable, easy and safe and easy to use. This makes it a perfect fit for our school and workshop environment. We have added the Junior IOT name to confirm our approval and support while ensuring compliance with EU regulations.


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